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SMILE! You’re on CANDID Camera!

Posted by Hyungsup Lee Nov 12, 2020

This is a thumbnail image of blog SMILE!  You’re on CANDID Camera!

   Ok, you know that you really should do something about your teeth.  Maybe they are becoming sensitive, maybe your jaw is acting up and off center.  Or maybe you just don’t have the carefree easy smile that you have always wanted.  Everyone has a different, but valid, reason for wanting straighter and more comfortable teeth.

   But there are those classic three objections, of Time, Energy, and Money.  And while we cannot eliminate any of them completely, we are now able to greatly reduce each one.

   CANDID is a revolution in clear aligner technology, in that it reduces your dental office visits to as few as two (one to start, one to finish).  All your progress is measured via your phone, from the privacy of your own home.  There is nothing placed on your teeth except the aligners, so there is no lengthy delivery appointment, nor concerns about lost attachments, or limitations on working with bonded porcelain surfaces. 

   Because the CANDID aligners fit so closely to your teeth, they control movements far more precisely.  And they are even more invisible and comfortable to wear.  And they can achieve movements like rotations and leveling the bite that were simply not possible with earlier aligners. 

   All this means they are more efficient in straightening your teeth, which means less time in treatment for you.  And the photographs you send from your Smartphone are analyzed for appropriate movements on every surface of every tooth to make certain it is time to change to the next tray set. 

   Perhaps the best news is, that with all this saving of your time and energies, there is a surprisingly significant savings in money as well.   And we mean over a third off the price of a treatment that is faster, more precise, and less visible than even Invisalign, and with far fewer refinements to treatment.  And when coupled with your dental insurance, the fee drops even more.

   So now there are just three fewer reasons to delay treatment.  If something is going to be life-improving, what do you gain by waiting?

About the Author

Dr. Russ Teasdale has served the Portland community for over 30 years, and he works diligently to ensure that his patients benefit from the latest techniques and technologies in dentistry. To learn more about CANDID aligners and what they could do for your smile, contact us today.  

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