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How DTR Addresses the Cause of TMD – Not Just the Symptoms

Posted by Hyungsup Lee Jun 04, 2020

This is a thumbnail image of blog How DTR Addresses the Cause of TMD – Not Just the Symptoms

If your car is malfunctioning in some way, but you are not entirely sure what the underlying problem could be – how would you approach correcting the issue? One option might be to listen and make adjustments to the best of your ability based on internet research. Conversely, you could seek out help from an expert. The first thing they would do? Perform a fully objective, computerized evaluation of all systems, allowing them to not only properly diagnose the issue, but efficiently and effectively resolve it.

While the first option could result in a lucky outcome, and the results could hold you over temporarily, it goes without saying that this solution is likely just a patchwork fix and the result will not be lasting. You will end up frustrated and ultimately waste time, energy, resources, and money.

What happens if you apply the same principles to a persistent case of TMJ disorder/TMD? Just as with your car, it matters to be able to measure data objectively. Moreover, taking an analytical approach can lead to a clear confirmation that the components of a system are working as they should. Whether you are dealing with automobile gears or facial muscles, that kind of objectivity is a big deal.

Many patients do not realize that Disclusion Time Reduction Therapy (DTR) is a new computerized dentistry that can provide this information. Finally, it is possible to discover clinical answers that lead to true, long-term relief from chronic jaw discomfort.

Keep reading to learn more about DTR and how it addresses TMD at its roots in a way more intuition-based dental treatment simply has not, does not, and cannot.

How Does DTR Work?

Disclusion Time Reduction Therapy (DTR) uses computerized occlusal analysis technology and electromyography (EMGs) to measure and analyze a patient’s bite. This analysis provides a wealth of information, including how often the back teeth are engaged as you chew, side to side. If this issue happens often, it can trigger extremely high levels of muscular contractions throughout the jaw, face, head, and neck. By shortening this unnatural tooth-to-tooth contact, the muscles do not work as hard, and do not become fatigued, and facial discomfort can be noticeably alleviated.

Why is DTR the Right Approach?

Contrary to popular belief, TMD is a symptom – not a disease. In as many as 90% of diagnosed cases, it is the direct result of a bad bite where the teeth meet one another incorrectly, triggering clenching/grinding reflexes that are uncomfortable and debilitating. This leads to inflammation and the accumulation of lactic acid, resulting in debilitating head, neck, jaw, and mouth pain. Sometimes, it can even lead to improper and uncomfortable head and body posture. So, what do you treat: the symptoms or the disease?

Common treatment recommendations like mouthguards and BOTOX injections focus on the symptoms themselves; once the treatment stops, the patient’s aching is very likely to return in full force. DTR is the only option that addresses the cause of chronic TMD, resulting in long-term improvements that are not dependent on constant stopgaps. 

Eliminate TMD at the Source

If you are tired of struggling with an uncomfortable mouthguard or relying on shaky guesswork to take care of your persistent TMD symptoms, consider exploring DTR treatment with the help of a highly trained dentist. There is hope for alleviating this condition and regaining the higher quality of life you deserve!

About the Author

Dr. Russ Teasdale has studied occlusion and TMJ therapy for decades now, and he is currently the only dentist in Portland using state-of-the-art DTR technology to help patients discover lasting relief. In fact, people travel from all over the United States to see him for specialty care! He works alongside a top-notch staff that has extensive training as well, with everyone constantly pursuing continuing education to stay at the top of the field. If you have further questions about DTR, he certainly has the answers, so do not hesitate to contact him at (503) 966-2528.

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